Halloween, c'est quoi?

Contrary to some beliefs, Halloween is not an American holiday. It has its origins in Europe , and more particularly in the Channel Islands.

3000 years ago, in Ireland, Scotland and Wales, the Celts celebrated the religious festival of Samhain (god of death), for several days, during which the dead and the living could meet.

Evolving over time, it was set for October 31 and changed its name: Halloween, contr action de All Hallows-Even (itself contracted from the eve of All Hallows' Day) , which means “Eve of All Saints' Day”.

Today, it is mainly celebrated in Anglo-Saxon countries, but now extends throughout the world.

The arrival in France of the Halloween Party is very recent, since it dates from the 1990s .

However, in Brittany, a similar celebration had existed since the 15th century, probably due to its Celtic culture.


The legend of Jack O'Lantern

This Irish story teaches us that Jack, upon his death and having upset the devil twice, finds himself stuck between heaven and hell, unable to access either one or the other.

He is therefore doomed to wander for eternity, with only a lantern for company, made of a hollowed-out turnip and a piece of glowing coal .

The tradition was therefore to hollow out a turnip or rutabaga , and put a candle in it. It was also exported to the United States, during the migration of Irish and Scottish. But the pumpkin being more widespread there, larger and therefore easier to carve, it easily replaced the turnip.

The Humanitarian Trick-Or-Treat

This tradition, born in Ireland, consists of dressing up and going door to door, to claim as many treats as possible, and delight the taste buds of children.

But slightly diverted, it can also become a humanitarian action.

Created in the 1950s in the USA, a Halloween fundraiser, called Trick-or-Treat for Unicef , is organized every year in several countries (USA, Canada, Mexico, Ireland, Honk Kong).

Children, as well as adults and teachers, are encouraged to learn more about the issues faced by disadvantaged children .

During the Halloween tour, the volunteers will therefore not ask for "trick or treat" but for donations , which will then be donated to children in need.

A great action , which allows children to have fun, while being supportive !

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